1000 Strangers in My Car: Adventures of a Pastor Turned Uber Driver

1000 Strangers in My Car: Adventures of a Pastor Turned Uber Driver

B. inggris dijawab kak pke bhs Inggris​

dijawab kak pke bhs Inggris​


Based on the text above, mention things that made the wolf get angry to the lamb!


The wolf get angry because:

  • The wolf thinks the lamb is muddying its drinking water
  • The lamb protested the wolf and the wolf feels disapproved about the lamb's protest


The wolf got angry because it tought the lamb had made the water it was drinking muddy or dirty.

(Serigala itu marah karena dia mengira si domba telah membuat air yang sedang dia minum menjadi kotor)


Dalam cerita itu si domba minum air di sungai yang sama dengan si serigala, tapi posisinya arah di bawah, ke mana air sungai mengalir.

Tapi si serigala marah menuduh si domba mengotori air sungai itu.

Semoga bermanfaat
